Karyn Belknap is a shepherdess, business owner, homesteader, artisan and instructor and on any given day you’ll see those roles in action in her shop/studio at the Historic Onancock School. ‘Shop Small & Shop Local’ enthusiasts will find one of a kind hand dyed luxury yarns and fibers as well as gifts, wearables and home goods. New passions are ignited and old ones revisited when visitors see what’s on the loom at the moment, learn about spinning fiber into yarn, seek advice about various aspects of shepherding and developing a productive homestead from scratch or even brainstorm their ideas about transitioning an artistic lifestyle into a sustainable business. In the production half of the studio, visitors are welcome to take a peek to see where wholesale orders are created and shipped by Karyn and her assistants, destined for galleries, gift shops, museum shops and more across the country and into Canada. The shop has regular hours for visitors during the Spring and Summer. Year-round production work means that Karyn is usually in the studio even in the off season.
Studio 116 Hours by appointment (757) 243-1400We’re usually 10 minutes away if not already in the shop.
Email: karyn@TenGoodSheep.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TenGoodSheep/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tengoodsheep/