Community Spirit
Thank you Donors
We are grateful to so many in our community and beyond for their gifts of volunteerism, encouragement and donations in many forms that are so helpful to our existence and continuation as a vital community and arts center on the Eastern Shore. We would like to recognize the following:
The United Way of Virginia's Eastern Shore for funding to sponsor a free family event
Onancock Business and Civic Association (OBCA) - for partnering with us to hold the Ice Cream Social at HOS
Facility and Grounds Clean Up Crew - Haydon Rochester, Jeff Davis, Rick Turner, Alonzo Godwin
Eastern Shore Art League for installing their art shows in the gallery and donating 30% of proceeds of sales to HOS
Thanks also to other, anonymous donors
Intrepid volunteers
Milt Lawrence, Haydon Rochester, and Rick Turner
Become a Volunteer
We love and appreciate our volunteers at HOS! We could not do what we do without you. Please consider giving your time to help with one of our fun events throughout the year including Field Day Fiesta, Blooms & Brushes Garden & Studio Tour, Creekside Crawl 5K & Love Your Park Day, and Champagne & Oyster Tasting. There is something for everyone, including but not limited to:
Docents for Blooms & Brushes
Bartenders for Champagne & Oyster
Registration/Sign-in table attendants
Race timers
Set-up and Clean-up help
Assistance with children’s activities
We can always use help with facility clean-up and maintenance, event planning and execution, fundraising, and marketing. If you have experience in a particular area and would like to help, please contact us and we will find a place for you!
JOin us