Open for fun!
The new playground and community gathering space has been tested and approved by thousands of children since it opened summer 2022 and is the most popular spot for family activity in Onancock.
Kids Only
Little Free Library
New Little Free Library
Yes! It's the "Little Schoolhouse" for Kids only Little Free Library Located on our campus, near the playground and right next to the Story Trail. Take a Book and Leave a Book or just sit in the shade and read the book together. We would appreciate donations of childrens books. Please only leave what fits in the library and do not leave outside in the elements. Questions? Just Call the office at 757-302-1331.
Our huge thanks to the many volunteers who gave their time and talent to building this playground, from unpacking, to assembling, tightening each bolt & screw and spreading 4,400 lbs of rubber mulch. Kudos and a standing ovation to all of them. Everyone's volunteer hours are equally important and we would not be able to bring these improvements to our community without this spirit of partnership.
Thanks go out to the leaders who organized the nuts and bolts (literally) of this construction: led by Rick King, Rudy Garber with Micah LeMaster, Fletcher Fosque, Franco and crew, and many others.
Gratitude to donors: T & W Block, C & C Concrete Pumping, Onancock Building Supply, and the Town of Onancock. Our gratitude to the Robert E and Marie Orr Smith Foundation for their generosity.
Donations to Playground
Donate by Mail
If you prefer, you may also mail in a check to make a donation.
Historic Onancock School
6 College Avenue
Onancock, Virginia 23417